co-Editor of Virtual Special Issue on Green Chemistry (ACS inter-journal)
Associate Editor, ACS Omega
Interactive Session co-instructor at the 22nd Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference
Young Career Editorial Board Member, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering
Conference Co-Chair, the 20th Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, 2016. Member of organizing committee
Co-organizer of annual student workshop at the 20th Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference “From inception to implementation: design of green chemicals to substitute azo dyes”, Portland, OR, June 2016.
Toxicology training for the next generation of green chemistry innovators, US House of Representatives Energy And Commerce Committee Senate Committee on Environment, Jan 2016.
The National Academies, National Research Council: Member of the Committee on the Design and Evaluation of Safer Chemicals Substitutions – A Framework to Inform Government and Industry Decisions (Oct 13, 2013-Oct 13, 2014).
Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering, 2013-2018.
Co-instructor of short Course titled “Design of Chemicals with Minimal Biological Activity”, at the Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology meeting in Nashville, Nov. 18, 2013.