This page can help you find resources that address a broad range of issues relating to autism.
About Autism
Autism is a developmental disability that affects the way people process the world. People who are autistic all experience it differently. The best way to learn about autism is from autistic individuals themselves.
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network is a non-profit organization that is run by and for autistic individuals with the goal of advancing the disability rights movement. Their About Autism page can help you learn more.
The Asperger/Autism Network is another organization that provides resources on programs and services to help those diagnosed with autism and other neurological differences as well as their families. They also provide information on an Asperger profile.
The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, which also has a book by the same name, aims to reduce misinformation about neurodiversity. Their Neurodiversity FAQ answers many questions and misconceptions about autism/neurodivergence. They provide news and resources that can been curated by autistic individuals, professionals, and parents.
AIDE Canada, funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada, focuses on connecting members of the autistic/intellectual disability/neurodivergent community to necessary information and resources. They have an extensive library of toolkits that cover topics such as relationships, transitions to adulthood, LGBTQ + autism, employment, and much more. Other resources include peer advice videos, courses, and programs.
Programs and Services
Provided here are a few general programs and services that can help in many areas, including employment, housing, funding, and healthcare. For more resources, please visit the specific pages that can be found in the "Resources" dropdown menu at the top of the page.
211 is a 24/7 service that can be accessed online or through dialing 211 on your phone. 211 offers comprehensive information on local services. Services that 211 provides information on include paying bills, crisis and emergency, housing, food, and health and is geared towards individuals seeking help for themselves or others.
The Administration for Community Living is a program of the federal government. Specifically made for older adults and people with disabilities, the ACL aims to promote "independence, integration, and inclusion". The ACL has many services and resources that may be useful.
The Autistic People of Color Fund provides microgrants for people of color within the autistic community. There is also a link to donate to the fund. Beyond funding, there is a page of resources by and for autistic people of color, community resources, and other sources of funding.
News and Research
News and research relevant to the autistic community is constantly changing. Staying up to date, whether for yourself or a loved one, can help you better understand the landscape that the autism community is a part of.
Spectrum News is a hub for autism news, research, opinion pieces, and deep dives into various topics about autism. The Autism 101 page is an introductory page that includes the most read articles discussing what autism in, theories, diagnosis/treatment, and experiences.
Embrace Autism's mission is to disseminate current research and evidence-based information about autism in adults. The blog has over 200 articles about different topics that may interest adults such as current events, perspectives, and common difficulties.
The Madison House Autism Foundation is another resource focused on providing for autistic adults. They have stories and news that pertain to issues adults with autism may face and activism towards more services for adults on the spectrum. Their resources page has includes help finding legal help, post-secondary education, and financial help.