Affiliated Institutions

U.S. Affiliated Institutions

Planet Forward

Planet Forward engages young people and innovators in search of solutions to the biggest challenges facing our planet. Through storytelling, media and convening, we empower new voices and elevate compelling ideas. The project was formed in 2009 by Emmy Award-winning journalist Frank Sesno to promote innovative ideas to address food, water, energy and environmental challenges confronting our planet. Produced by the Center for Innovative Media at The George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs, Planet Forward uses Web, video, social media, television and events to empower new voices and lead a global conversation on the planet’s future. Planet Forward also serves as the outreach component and innovation research hub of GW’s interdisciplinary sustainability initiative.

Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)

The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) was formed in 1988 to identify and bring together the distributed human and facilities resources of the Arctic research community. ARCUS envisions strong and productive linkages among international Arctic researchers, educators, communities, and other stakeholders that promote discovery and understanding of the Arctic and inform sound decisions related to the Arctic. ARCUS is a catalyst for interdisciplinary thinking, acting, and education leading to the development of highly collaborative partnerships.

Arctic CALM

The primary goal of the Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring (CALM) program is to observe the response of the active layer and near-surface permafrost to climate change over long (multi-decadal) time scales. The CALM observational network, established in the 1990s, observes the long-term response of the active layer and near-surface permafrost to changes and variations in climate at more than 200 sites in both hemispheres. CALM currently has participants from 15 countries.

Arctic COAST

This project establishes an international Research Coordination Network (RCN) for science-policy interface among researchers, policy and decision makers, and young local and indigenous leaders to better understand and enhance resilience to ongoing dramatic changes in the Arctic. Arctic-COAST will provide an interface between the transdisciplinary research of biophysical, socio-economic, and decision-making academic research domains and policy applications to address the resilience of coastal socio-ecological systems.

Arctic FROST

Arctic-FROST builds international interdisciplinary collaborative network that teams together environmental and social scientists, local educators and community members from all circumpolar countries to enable and mobilize research on sustainable Arctic development, specifically aimed at improving health, human development and well-being of Arctic communities while conserving ecosystem structures, functions and resources under changing climate conditions. It is first U.S.-based circumpolar initiative of this kind and magnitude after the International Polar Year (2007-08). The purpose of the project is to contribute to conceptual, applied and educational aspects of sustainability science about the Arctic and beyond.


International Affiliate Institutions

EFIRA Arctic

EFIRA or Experts` forum of investigators in Russian Arctic is a unique project aiming to create a decentralized network of experts working for prosperity and sustainable development of the High North and strengthening of international cooperation in the Arctic.

Arctic Academy Programme (ARKTIKO)

The Academy of Finland’s Arctic Academy Programme (ARKTIKO, 2014–2018) aims to study and understand the change factors affecting the development of the Arctic region, the transformation process, and the dynamics of change. The programme contributes to strengthening the position of Finnish Arctic research at the top of international rankings, and promotes the identification of novel research paths and, consequently, new solutions.


PEEX “Pan-Eurasian Experiment” study is a multidisciplinary climate change, air quality, environment and research infrastructure program focused on the Northern Eurasian particularly arctic and boreal regions. It is a bottom up initiative by several European, Russian and Chinese research organizations and institutes. PEEX is open for new institutes to join in.