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Ready to take your foreign language proficiency exam? The pre-registration process and deadlines have been announced. The pre-registration process is required because it makes it possible to reserve space and faculty to administer the exams. If you don't pre-register, you won't be able to take the GW administered exam until Fall 2013.

Check your GW e-mail for links to the pre-registration website. If you didn't receive the e-mail, contact your academic advisor. Pre-registration closes February 11th.

Pia UlrichPia Ulrich studied international and comparative law at the University of Osnabrück, Germany, and is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in unified and Italian private law. In 2007, Pia started to work at the European Legal Studies Institute, and, being fluent in German, English and French, became part of the Working Team for the Study Group for a European Civil Code. During that time, Pia also worked as honorary arbitrator for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot Court in Vienna, Austria, and studied Mandarin Chinese and the Russian language. In August 2011, Pia came to Washington to study at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs. Her academic focus is on nuclear nonproliferation. She is currently the Nuclear Nonproliferation Research Assistant at the Partnership for Global Security, and is a candidate for graduation from the M.A. Security Policy Studies program.

Are you doing something exciting that you want to share with your peers? Students featured as the monthly spotlight are nominated by an Elliott School student, staff, or faculty member. To  nominate someone you know, send an e-mail to

If you'd like to share your own story with your peers, please e-mail your story and picture to

Ready to  hear your name called and walk across the stage? 2013 Commencement Weekend dates have been announced and here’s the information that applies to you:

2013 Elliott School Celebration

Friday, May 17, 2013 at 11:30am

Charles E. Smith Center

 All Fall 2012, Spring 2013, and Summer 2013 degree candidates are invited to participate

And, that’s not all! Only at GW does the culmination of the many hours, days, and years you put toward your graduate degree come to an end on the National Mall.   Don’t miss your chance to be surrounded by your peers, family, friends … and the Capitol Building, Smithsonian Museums, and National Monument… at this year’s University-wide Commencement Ceremony on the National Mall on Sunday, May 19, 2013!

Hello and welcome to 19th and E, a social online community that is designed to keep you in the know. When you visit 19th and E you'll find answers to questions currently trending among students, a featured  bio of an Elliott School student, upcoming dates & deadlines, opportunities for involvement, and more! On the 15th of every month you'll have the opportunity to win an Elliott School prize by participating in our "Where's George?" contest.

We'd appreciate your feedback as we work to build this community for you. If you have ideas you'd like to share, leave us a comment here.

Your's in staying in the know,

The Graduate Advising team