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As you count down the days until graduation, you're probably beginning to reflect on your experience as an Elliott School student. If the feelings of nostalgia inspire you to share your story and bestow words of wisdom and hopes for the future onto your fellow classmates, we want to hear from you.  

Alyssa 2012

This spring one student will be selected to represent the graduating class as the Elliott School Student Speaker. The selected student will give a 3-4 minute speech in front of fellow graduates, family, friends, faculty and staff at the Elliott School Celebration on May 16, 2014.

Click here for more information and here to submit your speech. Speech submissions are due no later than March 18 24, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

Good Luck!

If you intend to graduate in Spring 2014 or participate in commencement as a Summer 2014 walk-through your application for graduation is due February 1 to the Elliott School Office of Academic Advising and Student Services.

You can drop off your application in person (1957 E Street NW, Suite 302) between 9am- 6pm; scan/e-mail your form directly to your academic advisor; or, fax your form to 202-994-9537.

As stated on the form, late applications are subject to a $35 late fee assessed by the Office of the Registrar. Students who submit late applications are not guaranteed to have their names printed in the graduation program.


mochizuki-michael-hr stephenson-lisa

Associate Dean Mochizuki and Assistant Dean Stephenson would like to invite you to have an open conversation with them and share your opinions about your experience here at the Elliott School.  This open hour conversation will be held on April 19 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm in the Suite 401 conference room of 1957 E St and is open to all Elliott School Graduate students, so feel free to tell your friends!

Please click HERE to RSVP and let us know if you can attend as soon as possible, but by no later than April 12.  The deans look forward to meeting with you!

Our office has been getting asked this question a lot, from graduate and undergraduate students alike. If you turned your graduation application in to our office, there's a 99.99999879%  chance your advisor received it and is in the process of completing it for you before sending it on to graduation services for final processing. We receive several hundred of these forms each spring, and since our goal is to process them in a timely manner, we've decided not to practice sending out confirmation e-mails.

For this reason, among others, we discourage you from slipping your form under our door after hours. Instead, deliver your form by hand or scan/email it directly to your advisor.

On a related note, your graduation application needs to be turned in to the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services, not the Dean's Office.

Tip: If you receive a stand-alone e-mail in late February (and several leading up to May), this is an indication that your application has been processed.

Ready to  hear your name called and walk across the stage? 2013 Commencement Weekend dates have been announced and here’s the information that applies to you:

2013 Elliott School Celebration

Friday, May 17, 2013 at 11:30am

Charles E. Smith Center

 All Fall 2012, Spring 2013, and Summer 2013 degree candidates are invited to participate

And, that’s not all! Only at GW does the culmination of the many hours, days, and years you put toward your graduate degree come to an end on the National Mall.   Don’t miss your chance to be surrounded by your peers, family, friends … and the Capitol Building, Smithsonian Museums, and National Monument… at this year’s University-wide Commencement Ceremony on the National Mall on Sunday, May 19, 2013!