- Grokker is free for employers to offer to their employees until April 30th (at least). They deliver health engagement and employee wellbeing content via HD video
- Core Power Yoga is offering free online yoga classes - https://www.
corepoweryogaondemand.com/ keep-up-your-practice - Many fitness apps are waiving fees during this time
- UMASS Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness has a variety of resiliency resources and chat rooms – includes free guided meditations
- LiveBetter has a free newsletter and CBT-based app for managing stress and anxiety
- The Happiness Lab is a great podcast for making everyday life a little happier; they had a special episode on happiness through COVID-19 - https://megaphone.link/
CAD3068330015 - Coronavirus anxiety resources: Coronavirus Anxiety — Helpful Expert Tips and Resources (ADAA), Manage Anxiety & Stress (CDC), Pandemics General Resources (APA)
- Other Resources: Anxiety and Depression Association of America, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, The Jed Foundation, National Alliance on Mental Illness
Author: GradAdvisor
25+ Fitness Studios and Gyms Offering Live-Stream Workouts During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Here are some workout resources for you to take advantage of during your time at home! These free classes are available to anyone.
Apply to be a University Hearing Panel member in the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Deadline 5:00 p.m., Monday March 9, 2020.
Apply Now!
Position Description:
The University Hearing Panel is comprised of GW students, faculty, and staff who meet with accused students to review allegations of academic and non-academic misconduct. Student members of the University Hearing Panel, along with their faculty and staff counterparts, are trained to interpret the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Student Conduct, and they play an integral role in fostering development and growth among their peers. The University Hearing Panel will review a variety of cases of potential misconduct, which may include (but is not limited to): academic plagiarism and cheating, physical abuse, non-compliance, discrimination, community disturbances, and violations involving drugs and alcohol. Ultimately, student members of the University Hearing Panel are tasked with ensuring that any harm caused to a community by their peers can be restored.
Develop active listening skills and enhance critical thinking skills.
Experience working in a professional setting.
Enhancement of organization, time management, and decision making skills.
Practice interpreting policy in the practical application of community standards.
Membership is limited to full-time graduate and undergraduate GW students who are at least rising sophomores.
A minimum GPA of at least a 2.8 at the time of application.
All University Hearing Panel members must attend training during the spring semester. The dates and times of this training are to be determined. Candidates who are not able to attend will be removed from the selection process. In addition, student leaders must participate in periodic training sessions scheduled throughout each semester.
A candidate’s academic and disciplinary record will be considered in the application process. In addition, applicants who violate University policy after the time of application or during their time of service may not be considered for a position or may be removed from a position.
Students who are planning to study abroad during the 2020-2021 academic year are not eligible for a position in the Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities.
For students applying to be a member of the University Hearing Panel, holding a position (elected or appointed) on the Student Association is not permitted.
Panel Members represent the various academic colleges at GW. A prerequisite for selection is that members must be registered for at least three credit hours and enrolled in a degree-granting program of the school which he/she represents.
University Hearing Panel Members are required to disclose if they hold, either at the time of application or after selection, internships, paid or volunteer positions, or other affiliations with law firms, advocacy groups or other organizations that could represent or otherwise support students in a student conduct or academic integrity process at GW. Such affiliation is not a disqualification for participation as a University Hearing Panel member. However, as such an affiliation could represent a conflict of interest, disclosure is required.
Apply Now!
Slavery and Me: A Black American Familty Story, 1677-2020 | Feb. 13
GSPM MasterClass: A Conversation with The Honorable Damian Collins | Feb. 5
GSPM MasterClass Series event featuring The Honorable Damian Collins, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom. Our GSPM MasterClass Series is a (high-definition/professional) video-taped, one-on-one conversation slated to bring together former and current elected officials, political, and communications professionals, benefiting the ongoing education of our students.
Details of Event:
What: GSPM MasterClass: A Conversation with The Honorable Damian Collins
When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM.
Where: Richard Eaton Broadcast Suite, 5th Floor of GW Media and Public Affairs Building (805 21st St. NW, Washington, DC 20052).
How: A video recording of this event will be taken and you may appear on camera. Business attire suggested and you must arrive promptly at or before 11:30am in order to be seated for the event.
About the Guest: Damian Collins has served as the Conservative MP for Folkestone and Hythe since 2010.
In October 2016 he was elected by the House of Commons as Chairman of the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee, having previously served as a member of the committee. In this role he led the committee’s inquiries into doping in sports, fake news, football governance, homophobia in sports, and the impact of Brexit on the creative industries and tourism. His role brought him to GW in February 2018, where he chaired a committee fact-gathering hearing on fake news, the first time a UK Parliament hearing of this sort took place in the United States.
During the Coalition government Collins served between 2014-15 as Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) to the then Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond. From 2012 to 2014 he was PPS to the then Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Theresa Villiers.
Collins’s career before politics was in the advertising and communications industries, mostly at the M&C Saatchi advertising agency in London where he worked from 1999 to 2008. He was born in Northampton in 1974. He is married with two children, and they live in Elham in Kent, and in London. He is a keen sports fan and a lifelong supporter of Manchester United.
Cancellation Policy: If for any reason you have RSVP'd and you cannot attend, please let Laura Vasisko know immediately and your space will be given to the next individual on the waitlist.
DC Peace and Conflict Resolution Master’s Student Happy Hour
2020 Transatlantic Policy Symposium
International Affairs Review Call for Submissions
Submissions should be emailed to iar@gwu.edu in .doc or .docx format and include a 100-word biography of the author and an abstract of no more than 250 words.
Inequality Graduate Student Workshop Call for Proposals
The Tobin Project seeks applications for a Graduate Student Workshop on Inequality and Decision Making, to be held from April 29 to May 1 in Cambridge, MA. The workshop will focus on understanding how high and/or rising levels of economic inequality influence individuals’ decision-making, and how such effects might impact the broader society.
In addition to participating in this unique collaborative program, workshop participants are eligible to receive research grants of up to $1000. Details about the program and the submission process can be found here, and the deadline to apply is February 29th. If you have any questions, please see the FAQ page on our website.
Over the past decade, Tobin’s graduate student programming has sought to encourage the next generation of scholars to pursue ambitious research on the most pressing challenges facing the nation by providing graduate students with support and feedback as they conduct problem-focused scholarship. In our 2018 annual newsletter, we celebrated the tenth year of Tobin’s graduate student programming with an article featuring interviews with a number of former fellows. Though they took varied paths since attending our workshop, they all credit Tobin with helping to focus their work and direct them toward projects that seek to address vital problems in the world.
Language Study: Boren and FLAS Fellowships
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Academic Year and Summer Fellowships
Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Turkish
The FLAS Academic Year Fellowships
For incoming and current graduate students. More information about eligibility, awards and access to an application can be found here.
The FLAS Summer Fellowships
For current undergraduates and graduate students. Click here for more details.