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CIPSS-CEPSI-CIPS Graduate Student Conference 2021: *Call for Abstracts*

Deadline for abstract submission: December 18, 2020

The Centre for International Peace and Security Studies (CIPSS) at McGill University, is pleased to announce that it is now accepting abstracts from PhD and Master’s students for papers to be presented at the Annual Graduate Student Conference taking place online on Monday, March
15, 2021, hosted online by McGill University. The conference is organized annually in collaboration with the Centre d'études sur la paix et la sécurité internationale (CEPSI) at the Université de Montréal and the Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS) at the University of Ottawa.

The theme of this year’s conference is Global Governance: Vulnerability and Resilience in Uncertain Times. The retreat from many multilateral institutions and breakdown in international cooperation we have seen over the past decade has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, several long-standing fault lines among institutions and practices of global governance across multiple issue areas have been amplified by the unique circumstances which currently shape our world.

This conference hopes to bring together original research ideas that tackle both new and longstanding questions related to Global Governance, broadly defined. Topics may include the protection and rights of migrants and refugees, violence and armed conflict, climate change and the environment, multilateral institutions, the global health system, protectionism, nationalism, and economic development. We also strongly encourage any submissions that discuss the disproportionate burdens of the pandemic on women, and submissions related to women’s rights and/or gender issues more generally.

Proposed papers are expected to take a close look at past or present issues in one or more of these areas and inquire about their implications for policy and theory of global governance. Their original contributions should look to present new theories, approaches, methodologies, or sources of evidence to further enhance our understanding of these areas.

This conference is an opportunity for graduate students (Masters and PhD) to share their research, hone their presentation skills, and network with other researchers. Participants will receive feedback on their work from CIPSS/CEPSI & CIPS affiliated professors during thematic panels.

Please see their flyer for more information.

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