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Call for Papers: Sinosphere, Graduate Academic Journal on China

Graduate students at GW's Elliott School of International Affairs are invited to submit their papers to the 2021 edition of the Sinosphere journal. Sinosphere is an academic journal sponsored by the 21st Century China Center and the UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy (GPS). The publication focuses on original graduate student research on Chinese domestic policy, national security, and foreign affairs in order to ensure that graduate students--the next generation of policy makers, analysts, and scholars--are represented in the discussion of these important topics.

The submissions window for the 2021 edition of the journal is currently open, and closes on January 31st, 2021. Detailed submission guidelines are outlined here

Submissions to Sinosphere will be first evaluated by our editorial staff, and the strongest papers will move on to be read by our faculty review board. The board consists of renowned China and East Asia scholars, including China economist Dr. Barry Naughton, China defense and national security affairs expert Dr. Tai Ming Cheung, Korea security expert Dr. Stephan Haggard, Chinese politics and finance expert Dr. Victor Shih, and Director of Fudan-UC Center on Contemporary China Dr. Richard Madsen.

Students should submit their papers to, and can contact the organizers through the same address if they have any questions.

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