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International Affairs Review Call for Submissions – Deadline 2/8

The International Affairs Review (IAR) is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, academic journal published biannually in Washington, DC. It is an independent, graduate student run publication sponsored by the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University.
The submission deadline for IAR's Summer 2019 print issue is February 8, 2019. Submissions must follow the guidelines below:
• Authors must be current or recently graduated GWU graduate students. 
• Papers must relate to current issues in International Affairs. 
• Papers must not have been previously published elsewhere. While simultaneous submission is discouraged, if an author's paper is accepted elsewhere, the author must notify IAR to remove it from consideration. 
• Papers should be 2,500-5,000 words, double-spaced at 12 point font, and properly documented according to Chicago Manual of Style guidelines (with complete citation in endnotes - see website for examples). 
• Preference is given to papers concerning timely global or regional issues with policy recommendations. 
For further information visit

Submissions should be emailed to in .doc or .docx format and include a 100-word biography of the author and an abstract of no more than 250 words.

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