Call for Papers: Myth, Management, and Materiality in East Asia
East Asian Languages and Civilizations Graduate Conference
April 27, 2019 at the University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker: Glenda Chao (Ursinus College, History)
The Graduate Student Research Colloquium of the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at the University of Pennsylvania presents its third annual graduate student conference: Myth, Management, and Materiality in East Asia. This one-day conference provides a global forum for graduate students from U.S. and international institutions to explore concepts of myth, management, and/or materiality in East Asia (including, but not limited to: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and Singapore). Students will explore these concepts within issues of literature, politics, culture, language, religion, and/or ideology.
We welcome applications from currently enrolled graduate students in all disciplines related to the study of East Asia. We especially encourage those that address the following conference themes, but are open to submissions covering other topics:
- The construction and influence of differing conceptions of myth and materiality.
- The construction and performance of gender, race, and other group identities.
- The mobilization of art and visual culture to challenge political management and authority.
- The development of cultural, national, religious, and spiritual narratives in East Asia.
Submission Requirements
Please submit for review an abstract of no longer than 250 words and a short biography of 100 words or less by February 4th, 2019. Send application materials to:
Limited funding is available for conference participants. Please indicate your need at the time of application and include both the location from which you will be traveling and whether you require lodging.
Contact Information
Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations
University of Pennsylvania
255 S. 36th Street, 847 Williams Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104