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December Spotlight on: Matt Swaim

IMG_3074Matt Swaim is a student in the M.A. International Affairs program, with a specialization in International Development.

Outside of his studies at the Elliott School, he is a Business Development Manager for the Asia Region at Chemonics International. Chemonics works in over 100 countries working on USAID-funded projects, and their development mission of “promoting meaningful change around the world we help people live healthier, more productive, and more independent lives” inspired him to join the company in 2013. So far his development work has taken him to South Africa, Afghanistan, and Indonesia to work on projects in climate change, agricultural development, and environment and natural resource management.

Prior to the Elliott School, Matt worked as a recruiter in the private sector in his home of Little Rock, Arkansas. Matt graduated from Boston College in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in Islamic Civilizations and Societies and studied abroad at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, U.K.

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