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Completing Your Initial Plan of Study

Attention students who began programs this spring: Your Plan of Study is due March 16th.

The Plan of Study outlines the degree requirements for each Elliott School graduate program. This is an evolving document, and we expect you to make changes and updates to your plan as you progress through your program. But you should fill out the plan of study completely with your best guess of the classes you intend to take and the semesters in which you will take them.

The Process

  1. Locate your program’s plan of study on the Elliott School website under Forms & Applications.
  2. Review your program’s curriculum using the Elliott School website.
  3. Using blue or black ink, or typing directly into the form (save a copy to your desktop first), enter complete course information and the semester you intend to complete each course on the form in the appropriate space.
  4. Submit your form to your program director for review. If you plan to meet with your program director to discuss your plan, we strongly encourage doing this well in advance of the March 16 deadline.
  5. Deliver your completed plan of study, signed by your Program Director, to the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services (1957 E Street NW, Suite 302). You do not need an appointment to submit your plan of study (you are of course welcome to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor if you have questions). You can also email your Plan of Study to or fax it to 202-994-9537.
  6. Your plan of study will be reviewed by your Academic Advisor. Once reviewed, you will receive an electronic copy of your plan of study. This process can take up to 3 weeks. Therefore, we encourage you to complete your plan of study and submit it to Academic Advising in advance of the deadline. All plans received on or before the March 16 deadline will be returned to students before Fall 2015 registration begins.

Failure to submit a completed plan of study, signed by your Program Director, by March 16th will result in an administrative hold on your account which will prevent you from registering for Fall 2015 classes. Forms received after the deadline are subject to this hold. If the plan is received late, we will do our best to remove the hold as soon as possible, but this will not happen immediately.

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