Cris Ramon is a student in the MA International Affairs program with a concentration in European, Eurasian, and Russian Studies. At the Elliott School, Cris focuses on migration and refugee policy issues in Europe, especially in countries with recent histories of migration such as Greece, Italy, and Spain. This academic interest has led Cris to intern with the Immigration and Integration Program at the German Marshall Fund, the International Migration Program at the Migration Policy Institute, and the Human Trafficking Program at the Solidarity Center. He is currently interning at the U.S. Helsinki Commission, where he works on human trafficking, refugee, and Romani issues. In addition to studying abroad last fall at Sciences Po in Paris, Cris received a Fulbright grant to carry out research on Spanish immigration policy at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid between 2008 and 2009. Cris has also worked with the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. A native of Pasadena, California, Cris graduated from Macalester College in 2006 with a major in Sociology and a double minor in History and Religious Studies. He is fluent in Spanish and learning French.
Month: March 2014
Elliott School Celebration Tickets
Ticket distribution for students who are participating in the Elliott School Celebration on May 16, 2014 will take place during the following times:

Thursday, May 1
5:00 p.m. -7:00 p.m.
1957 E Street NW, Lindner Family Commons, Room 602
Location | Date | Time | |
Graduate Students | Graduate Student Career Development, Suite 603 | Friday, May 2, | 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Monday, May 5 - Friday, May 9 | |||
Monday, May 12 - Wednesday, May 14 |
Graduate students must also complete the Graduate Student Career Development survey before claiming tickets.
Students who wish to request additional tickets must submit a request online. The extra ticket request form will be available online through May 9, 2014 at 5:00 pm. Please submit only one request. If multiple requests are submitted, then only your first request will be considered. No exceptions will be made.
Extra tickets are not guaranteed. If extra tickets are available, then students who have requested extra tickets will be notified via e-mail on May 14, 2014. Extra ticket pick-up will take place on May 15, 2014 from 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. in the Office of Academic Advising and Student Services.
Any unclaimed tickets will be available on a first-come-first served basis on the morning of the Elliott School Celebration outside of Funger Hall.
Contact information for Elliott School of International Affairs: 202-994-3002 or email.
Deadline Extended: You Could Be the 2014 Elliott School Student Speaker
As you count down the days until graduation, you're probably beginning to reflect on your experience as an Elliott School student. If the feelings of nostalgia inspire you to share your story and bestow words of wisdom and hopes for the future onto your fellow classmates, we want to hear from you.
This spring one student will be selected to represent the graduating class as the Elliott School Student Speaker. The selected student will give a 3-4 minute speech in front of fellow graduates, family, friends, faculty and staff at the Elliott School Celebration on May 16, 2014.
Click here for more information and here to submit your speech. Speech submissions are due no later than March 18 24, 2014 at 6:00 PM.
Good Luck!
Online Advising each Tuesday 11am-1pm
Call-In Advising is now Online Advising. Following the same principle as Call-In Advising, a graduate advisor will be available between 11am-1pm each Tuesday to provide 'short answers to quick questions', no appointment is necessary. *Please do not provide personal or sensitive information specific to your student record during Online Advising. Advisors will not answer questions that are not general in nature. If you have a question that falls outside of the parameters of online advising, please schedule an appointment with your assigned advisor.
Examples of questions appropriate to ask during Online Advising:
- How do I add a course that has a department restriction?
- When is the last day that I can drop a course without tuition penalty?
- How do I update my plan of study?
Examples of questions not to ask during Online Advising (instead schedule an appointment with or send an e-mail to your assigned advisor):
- I think I am done with classes. Do I need to take any other classes to graduate?
- DegreeMAP isn't reflecting that XYZ requirements are complete. Are they? Can you fix it?
When your conversation ends, please be sure to sign-out of the chat by clicking the door symbol located at the bottom right, and closing your browser, of the chat window so that another student can enter the chat.
Spotlight on: Leigh Rowland
Leigh Rowland studied Political Science and Military History at the University of Michigan prior to accepting a position in 2010 with the Institute for Social Research (ISR) in Ann Arbor. At ISR, Leigh assisted with the design and implementation of data collection protocols for the Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (Army STARRS), the largest study of mental health risk and resilience ever conducted among military personnel. During her time at ISR, Leigh also worked closely with veteran populations in the Ann Arbor area as part of her volunteer activities at both the local VA Hospital and the International Red Cross’ Services to the Armed Forces program. In July 2012, Leigh relocated to Washington to pursue her M.A. in Security Policy Studies at The George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, where she is focusing on defense analysis and strategic force planning. Leigh is also continuing her work on Army STARRS as an analyst for the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for the Army.