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Ben Nelson PhotoBen Nelson is a second year Elliott School graduate student in the International Affairs program, focusing on U.S. national security policy in the Middle East. His areas of interest include U.S.-Egypt relations, democratization, and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

A Richmond native, Ben attended Virginia Commonwealth University where he studied international relations, Middle East politics, and Arabic. During his first year at GW, Ben completed internships at Search for Common Ground, a conflict-resolution organization, and at the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, where he hopes to work after graduation. He recently concluded an internship on Capitol Hill in the office of Senator Tim Kaine.

Ben also serves as a managing editor of the International Affairs Review, where GW graduate students publish policy-oriented essays on current international issues. Always an advocate for graduate students who want to publish, he is happy to talk to students about submitting their work to the Review's website.