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Trending Question: I’m an international student and I need a support letter from you to apply for OPT. When can I pick it up?

Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a program that provides international students with the opportunity to gain practical experience that is directly related to the student's current field and degree for up to twelve months after completion of your academic program. There are guidelines and eligibility requirements that you'll need to pay close attention to, so please take a moment to review them here before contacting your academic advisor.

In order to write a letter supporting your request for OPT, we'll need a Practical Training Cover Letter from you. As noted on the International Services Office website, the letter should include the following:

• Current date
• Your major field of study
• Your degree objective
• The date you expect to complete your studies*
• Your GW student ID number and Social Security Number (if any)
• A description of the practical training (what type of job you will seek)
• How the practical training is related to your field of study
• The beginning and ending dates of your requested practical training **
• Your name (printed) and signature
*For your expected completion date, use the last day of final exams in your final semester of study.
**Visit the ISO's website for more information on how to correctly choose your start and end dates, and implications of the dates you choose.

Once you've crafted your cover letter, send it to your academic advisor along with your request that he/she write a letter of support for you. Once your advisor has received your cover letter, it may take 3-4 business days for the letter to be written. Once your advisor has written the letter, he/she will contact you via e-mail letting you know your letter is ready to be picked-up. You do not need an appointment to pick-up your letter. Simple bring a valid photo-ID to the front desk of Academic Advising and Student services during normal office hours.

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