Irida Vorpsi

Assistant lecturer
German DepartmentFaculty of Foreign Languages

University of Tirana

Tirana, Albania

Tel: +355 69 22 65 797


Irida Vorpsi was a visiting scholar from Albania during the spring 2006 semester at The George Washington University. Her visit to the USA was sponsored by the Junior Faculty Development Program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Her mentor was Professor Joel Kuipers.

Sep 200 – Oct 2004

Sep 1998 – July 2002

Sep 2001 – Feb.2002

March – July 2003

July 2004

July 1999 – August 2000

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

Institut de Recherches et d’Enseignment en Relation Internationales & Européénne, Paris, France.
DEEI-MASTER  in European Studies XIII                                                                                 

Foreign Languages University of Tirana, Tirana, Albania
BSc German Studies ’02, Major in German Studies

Karl-Ruprecht University, Heidelberg, Germany
German Studies

Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
Political Science

TFAS, Georgetown University and CharlesUniversity, Prague, Czech Republic                                                                   

American Institute on Political and Economic Systems

Summer school, Bamberg, Germany

Living in a Balkan without war, Leipzig, Germany
International Summer Seminar, Kotor, Serbia and Montenegro
“The European Union:  2005 and Beyond”

Seminar in Goethe Institute
PC in Teaching with a focus on Methodology, Munich, Germany

Summer School
Cultural Identities in Balkan and Europe, Budva, Serbia and Montenegro

ExperienceSince    Sep 2004Tirana University, Tirana, Albania
German Department 

Lector of Civilisation

– Prepared and taught Civilization course targeted to Tirana University undergraduate students

– Designed the syllabus, prepared lectures, class handouts and assignments, graded student papers and assignments, designed and graded an empirical exercise, lectured and facilitated discussions in class.

Since 2000NGO Institute of Research on Democracy and Development, Tirana, Albania
Project Director

In the process of formulation of Albania’s development strategy:

– Assisted in establishing, maintaining and convening formal broad consultative committees consisting of governmental officials, civil society representatives and academics.

– Facilitated regional consultations on human rights issues with communities, local governments and civil society.

– Conducted research and analysis of Albania’s European Integration priorities. March 2003to July 2003German Parliament, Tirana, Albania

– Detailed insights into the parliamentary system of government in the Federal Republic of Germany

– Spokesperson of the group of participants from Albania.        . March 2004Peace Corps 
Language Tester

– Conducted language proficiency interviews for five years (2004-2009)Since 2004

Goethe Institute, Tirana, Albania                                                                              

Lector                                                                               .

March –April 2003

Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Berlin, Germany
Training Certificate                                                                                

Hanns Seidel Foundation, Brussels Office Konrad Adenauer Faundation, Eichholz, Germany



– Albania: From isolation to the European Integration. Paper for IRERIE, Paris XIII. July 2004.

– The new Relationship within Europe and the Relationship between Europe and the USA. Paper for IRERIE June 2004.



– Languages: English( TOEFL 600 point) German (fluent), French (fluent), Italian(fluent), Spanish(basic), Albanian (native)

– Technical: MS Project, Photoshop, MS FrontPage, etc.


Winner of a DAAD- Scholarship Program award