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The Nemes Research Laboratory is relocating to the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry of the University of Maryland--College Park, MD by January 2018.

Our new website is located at:

Scientific Interests

Prof. Peter Nemes

Our research interests lie at the intersection of analytical chemistry, biology, and the applied health sciences. We develop next-generation technologies based on ultra-performance liquid chromatography, capillary electrophoresis, electrospray ionization, and high-resolution mass spectrometry to enabled the detection and quantification of important proteins, peptides, and metabolites in ultra-high sensitivity. These advanced bioanalytical tools allow us to ask how differential expression of the genome coordinates cell molecular processes critical to the normal development of cell heterogeneity, body patterning, and formation of the nervous system using powerful models in cell and developmental biology and neuroscience, including the frog (Xenopus laevis) and mouse.

Open Positions

We are accepting applications from talented and motivated graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows  through the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Maryland--College Park. Please contact Professor Nemes directly to apply or if you have questions: nemes [at] umd [dot] edu.